Friday, August 26, 2011

ReWilder Hunter against Sport Hunting

Ok, I came home and went back to reading blogs, one of my favorite pass times. A online friend was bragging in a survivalist chatroom about a new rifle he got and how he couldn't wait to put a deer up on his wall in his Manhattan apartment. I went off on him. He lives in a damn city, no need for him to travel hours away to down some poor deer so he can have a trophy on his wall. He fired back that I hunt too. The way he did it cause the whole room to go off on him which totally confused him.

You see, most of the people in this chatroom are ReWilders, which is why I go there. Most of them literally live off the land. Not in cities taking a few bushcraft workshops.

To us hunting is not suppose to be a sport. Hunting is about survival and being in tune with Mother Nature and the land. Real hunters have a reciprocal relationship with the land and the animals they hunt. We give to the land as well as take from it. Sport hunters have no concept of this. They will down the strongest buck, hence weakening the herd. A ReWilder hunter will down the weakest, hence strengthing the herd. Thats just one small example. Sport hunters take from the land what they don't need and throw most of it away. A ReWilder hunter takes only what they need to survive. Using every part down to the bones themselves so as to honor the animal's sacrifice.

I'm a ReWilder hunter who loves and respects animals and am very very against sport hunting as much as I'm against factory farming. I'm far from a militant vegan PETA member though. To me these people are just as disconnected and out of balance with Nature as the sport hunter is. Both live in cities and depend on agriculture to survive. Agriculture is destroying the landbase. In order for a Vegan to survive without meat they need a very diverse diet of plant food which they can't get from their local landbase without farming. So instead of killing only one animal to feed several, they destroy the land farming, hence destroying the animal's habitat, pushing them out to extinction or getting their food from far away, which means burning large amounts of fossil fuel in order to bring it to them.

I'll still take the vegan over the sport hunter. If the vegan can learn to live off of wildfood that only comes from their local landbase they get my respect even more. A small garden to feed themselves and their family is fine as well. But most vegans get their food from like Whole Foods or New Seasons who get their food from large farms. Organic or not. They are still destroying the landbase everytime they plow. At least the vegan is not killing intentionally for fun like the sport hunter is. But don't be mistaken. Vegans are killing animals by supporting agriculture.

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