Monday, July 13, 2009

Science & Spirituality, unlikely bed buddies? Druids don't think so.

We Druids are what is referred to as Natural Spiritual Scientist. The Greeks referred to us as adepts in Natural philosophy or the philosophy of nature, known in Latin as philosophia naturalis. It is a term applied to the objective study of nature and the physical universe that was regnant before the development of modern science. It is considered what is now called natural science, especially physics. Later (I believe in the 16th century) Natural Philosophy was formalized as Science.

We know little of the actual practice of the Druids (though we are discovering that much can be gleaned from linguistics). But what we do know is that the Druids were the Celtic intelligentsia of the ancient European world, and its in that spirit do we modern Druids practice.

Christians and most "revealed truth" religions follow the "Path of Devotion" while I believe most of my fellow (not all ) Druids would agree that we Druids follow the "Path of Knowledge". We question everything, even our gods, and they (the gods) would have it no other way. They gave us a whole universe to explore and exploring it we are. Our ancestors the Paleo-Druids studied things such as Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Geology, Geophysics, Hydrology, Meteorology, Physical Geography, Oceanography, and Physics. Of course such had different names back then.

The Christians of ancient times hated knowledge base traditions like science cause it made folks question their authority. They didn't like that. They ended up defining what is religion. So many scientist later came up as atheist, which is sad cause they have moments of spiritual Awen every time they make a discovery. To the Druids, (then and now) they saw no conflict between religion and science. In fact their discoveries shaped their/our religion. Today one of the main fields of science that modern Druids feel drawn most to or I should say they study all the others in support of is Deep Ecology.

The sudden high interest in Deep Ecology has caused a great spiritual awakening in the scientific community that was badly needed. The non-spiritual (though they do constantly experience spiritual wonder in their field) scientist are dying out. The belief that science & spirituality can not share the same bed is a Christian (and other revealed truth religions) & New Agers (who dislike science cause it follows natural laws which makes their fantasy driven pseudo-sciences invalid. Sorry New Agers! You can place a dull razor under a pyramid with a crystal on top all you want. Its not going to sharpen it. :-P ) concept.

Druids, and most Pagans in general really see no conflict between natural philosophy & spirituality. In fact, most embrace it as a valid part of their Path.

Now I'm referring to science in relations to spirituality. Science in relations to magick itself is a whole other area and share some commonality with my above piece. One area that both religion (the real meaning of the word is to "re-link or re-connect") & magick share is in liturgy (the science of rituals). But as I said, that is another whole subject which I shall write on in another thread.

Final note: I believe the separation of spirituality & science is the cause of environmental destruction & religious wars. Atheist scientist have lost most of their morals & religion without logic & rationality has created a lot of religious fanatics.

Can I get a Awen folks?!

-- Post From My iPhone

Monday, June 29, 2009


I wrote this some time ago in response to a message from a friend. I come a cross it recently and thought I edit and post it here.


Druids & New Agers; The difference between the two.

To be told that because I identify myself as a Druid that I am placing myself in little boxes and placing the mysteries under a microscope kinda ticks me off. Um yah! The microscope I'm looking through was created by the gods and all I have to say is Wow! Theres a whole other awe inspiring world under that microscope. The more powerful the microscope the greater the mysteries become for me.

Heres my thing. New Agers tend to be spiritual anarchist or better yet unruly spiritual vagabonds. They have no roots and because of that hold no loyalty to a community. They tend to come into your home (boxes) uninvited (or sometime invited), help themselves to your fridge, use up all your clean towels in the bathroom, plop themselves in front of your tv or computer in your best house robe chowing down on your food spilling crumbs everywhere. When you come in to confront them about it and how if they want to stay they have to follow some basic house rules like cleaning up after themselves they get all offended talking about how you are oppressing them with your rules and pack their stuff and leave your house in a shambled mumbling about they won't give up their freedom.

I'm not only aware that there is a spiritual world outside of the box I'm in, I even travel through it quite often. As a Druid I'm expected to. In fact its that world outside of the box that is a Druid's true home. So why do we chose to place ourselves in the box if our home is outside of it? Because as Druids we are not only the seekers of knowledge outside of the box but are also the sharers of that knowledge to those who still live within the limits of that box. For one reason or another some need the comfort and security of their boxes and contrary to what the New Agers believe, ripping down the walls of their boxes or ripping the labels from out from under their feet is not going to suddenly enlighten them. In fact its probably going to cause more spiritual damage than anything. By taking on the label of Druid I am unselfishly stepping back into the box to help those who can not see beyond its walls which they have created.

I love this song by Rush. We obviously are the Oaks & New Agers are the Maples.


There is unrest in the forest,
There is trouble with the trees,
For the maples want more sunlight
And the oaks ignore their pleas.

The trouble with the maples,
(And they're quite convinced they're right)
They say the oaks are just too lofty
And they grab up all the light.
But the oaks can't help their feelings
If they like the way they're made.
And they wonder why the maples
Can't be happy in their shade.

There is trouble in the forest,
And the creatures all have fled,
As the maples scream "Oppression!"
And the oaks just shake their heads

So the maples formed a union
And demanded equal rights.
"The oaks are just too greedy;
We will make them give us light."
Now there's no more oak oppression,
For they passed a noble law,
And the trees are all kept equal
By hatchet, axe, and saw.