Saturday, July 30, 2011

Why have the Elders been forgotten?

One of the things that disturbs me much in the modern Pagan community is how much they have surrendered to urban life. In the early days, paganism was very much part of the counter-culture. The back to landers, the activist, the community builders, the environmentalist, etc....

Now Paganism has gone trendy mainstream. I remember some years ago when a small group of us tried to get a Pagan runned social service going in Portland. We met resistance. Folks didn't like what we was doing because our example was reminding them that they were not practicing the Green community ideaology that is at the root of Pagan spirituality.

In the early days when I first entered the Pagan community, when someone asked us what was a Pagan, we defined ourselves by what we were first, not by what we are not. We are the Green People, we are earthy, we are tribal, we are community orientated, we are a Earth Centered Spirituality. In them days people were looking at homesteading, communal living, community farming, environmental activism as well as honoring the gods and the Earth, our Mother.

Today when you ask someone what a pagan is, the mass majority defines us by what we aren't first. We are not monotheist, we are not Satanist etc.... People are more interested in organizing a fetish ball than helping the less fortunate in their community or saving a National Forest or visiting and honoring our elders in the old folks homes.

The problem is most of todays Pagans grew up spoilt in the cheap energy of the 80's. The things that screamed for help from Pagans did not reach them so the Green part of their heart died. The Green Mother & Father became just archetypes to them. Nothing more than symbols and metaphors. Cheap little statues on their altars that they payed nothing more than lip service to on their way out the door dressed in their gaudy earth destroying fetish outfits seeking only to gratify their own hedonist pleasures & pretend that they are the gods that sit alone upon their altars. They come home, go to bed and get up and put their Paganism away in the closet and go to their earth unfriendly boring 9 to 5 jobs. They don't go to support their spirituality. They go to support their selfish pleasure.

There are elders in our community who gave their selves to us unselfishly for years. Elders you all know well cause they were the who's who in the Pagan community of the 60's 70s & early 80. These same elders are struggling today. Forgotten by those who they nurtured in the early days of our community. One Patriarch & Matriarch, a couple who are still hard at work in the community even though they both have major medical problems are struggling to make ends meet. But they carry on with a caring smile on their face. Yet one of their close friends has to go out and guilt the community into helping them with food and things. They are on the verge of homelessness. Yet they continue to give of themselves unselfishly. Where are all the priestesses that this powerful and loving Matriarch initiated over the years. Why are they not at her side taking care of her & honoring her in her Crone years. Why has this Queen of witches been forgotten? These young spoilt witches are to busy having some guy kiss their leather boots at some fetish ball to care less about the woman who taught them to be strong powerful women.

Where are all the young mages, wizards & druids that this charismatic & powerful Patriarch trained over the years. These young spoilt mages are busy at the witches balls or Burning Man events seeing how many young women their Pagan wiles can get into the sack to care less about the man who taught them to reclaim their pre-christian sensitive masculinity.

It is sad to see these Elders forgotten even though these young Pagans will bragged that they know them & have studied their work. But then I don't see these deviant christian in Pagan clothing as true Pagans. I don't see hedonism as a heathen way. Hedonism to me equals selfish pleasure.

2007 I only saw 1 Pagan sister at the Earth Day Festival held in NE Portland. Where were they all? I know the young Pagans here are shaking their fist at me right now for judging them. Saying I am violating the "Wiccan Rede". I have news for you. That's a Wiccan Rede not a Druid Rede. Druids were judges & counselors & the health of their community was their duty. The older Pagans here are trying not to be confrontational. But they are still nodding their heads silently agreeing with me as they go back to tending their gardens forgotten by the young. You young ones have violated the Wiccan Rede already with your pursuit of selfish pleasure. Your selfish hedonism is harming the Pagan community as a whole. There is nothing community based about fetish balls and pleasure gatherings. It doesn't better the community. Gathering together to seek pleasure from one another is not what community building is. And your recycling & driving a little car is not enough to stamp out the carbon footprint that your hedonist ways create. Your lifestyle is hurting the Mother. So you can't use the Wiccan Rede as a excuse to me. Most of you have twisted the Wiccan Rede to justify your selfish ways.

Most of you are out of shape and have lazy urban bodies. Most of you could not last a week in the woods or even a rural community for that matter without your city pleasures. Some of you are like "but the goddess is fat!" No! The Venus (properly should be called Danu) of Willendorf is not fat! She is pregnant with creation. Stop using these goddess images as excuses to justify your gluttony and laziness. The Lady & Lord are powerful and if you ever really came face to face with them you shit your pants. And for the record, one can be a big person and can still be healthy. But Urban people are too lazy to develop the muscles to properly & healthly carry their extra weight. Some folks can't help their genes. But you can help how you carry it and not just surrender to it and let it become obesed & unhealthy.

Urban Pagans can hear the gods but barely. The Old Gods voices are being muffled by the steel & concrete that you surround yourself with. The Old Gods struggle to reach their green fingers through the cracks in the sidewalks and you all just lay more concrete over it. The Old Gods reach out to touch your skin with loving hands and you withdraw and cover it with leather & latex. You are ill and rather than heal yourselves you revel in your sickness. You are part of the environment but your bodies & minds are environmental disasters.

Ok I'm done ranting.

Paganism is a spirituality not a lifestyle. But young urban Pagan treat it as a lifestyle.


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